For me, as a young reader, the illustrations were often more important than the text. I spent hours just poring over the pictures and often took the same books out of the library week after week just to look at the pictures again.
Here are a few illustrators who made a big impression on Love Lucy Illustration:
I adore Shirley Hughes' rich detail and the scenes she sets...
Raymond Briggs is a firm favourite too. In my family it's a tradition to watch 'The Snowman' every Christmas Eve, without fail. Magical...
'New Blue Shoes' by Eve Rice was the book I took out of the library time and time again! Looking at it now the illustrations seem quite simple but it had a real charm to my 4 year old self...
I feel like a bit of a child all over again since moving to France and seeing everything with fresh eyes. I can very often be found in the children's departments of libraries and bookshops discovering great French illustrators who I missed out on as a child, like Alain Gree, for one...
And Agnes Rosenstiehl with her adorable character 'Mimi Cracra'
So these are my favourites...who are yours?
One for me is Garth Williams who illustrated the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder! I read this series at about 10-12 yrs old. When I look back on them and see the illustrations it brings a sense of happiness! (I am almost...52!)